(Above) One of our beautiful Buff Cochins.
(Above) Chickens in the pasture.
(Above) Free-Ranging Chickens.
(Above) Welcome to the Guest House.
(Above) Come on in to the Guest House!
The Guest House “front” door opens to one of the bedrooms.
The back door of the Guest House.
Kennel next to the Guest House.
Path to the Guest House.
All of these photos were taken by our resident photographer, Abigail. She does not go anywhere without her camera, and is always ready to “shoot” somebody or something with it. We hope to upload more pictures in the near future. But I wanted to have a post about what it looks like here at this time of year, because I love to see pictures of different places in the country, and thought maybe others would like to see what ours looks like. I hope to redesign this blog as well, but being incompetent in such things, I have to wait until one of my children can help me!